Thursday, November 19, 2009

What I learned during Nano Legends!

I learned that while playing Nano Legends, that the White Blood Cell will engulf bacteria and destroy them! I also learned that video games can be fun, and still teach you something new! Even though, the technology for Nano Legends is far off in the future. It, no doubt will be an awesome adventure both Gamewise and intellectually! What I learned from it, is substancial!
Nanobots are robots and they are not real. White blood cells fights things off. This game is pretty interesting, except im not as good at it and that maybe the real reason why i get frusterated with it sometimes was interesting how they were talking about the cancer cells that was really interesting.

Too small, are we?

Yesterday was my first day playing the NanoLegends game. At first I thought it was going to be boring, but it's not that bad of a game, though. The only thing that needs to be changed is the dialogue; some of it sounds like it was translated from Japanese.
What we learned about was the malignant tumors, passive transport, active transport, ATP, and all of that good stuff. Once I got past that, the game struck me as a cell-themed Resident Evil, almost.


Nanobots are microscopic robots. They are not real, only in scifi movies. I guess ower imune system is like them. Tumors eat nutrients that our cells need and take up space. White blood cells protect our bodies from from virises. They pull a viris inside them and disolve them with acids.

the beggining

the first thing we learned about on nanolegends was about maliganant tumor and white blood cells. we learned what white blood cells do like attacking harmful things in the body. and the enzymes they use for it.

1st day in playing the game =)

Well.......yesterday we start playing the game and it actually was really fun. =) I'm not usually into video games but this one is pretty fun. It also helps you learn about cells at the same time while playing a video game. Its fun shooting the enzymes also and i finally passed level 1....finally. haha. Anyways I hope to get past level 2 today!!!

1st day

They are nanobots, they go around fighting and saving things, a malignant tumor damages surrounding cells. White blood cells get rid of bacteria, they attack by engulfing the BACTERIA and then the lysosomes take care of them. The nanobots aren't real and nothing is like them, really odd game

Nano Legends

Hey Everybody,Well this is my first blog about the Nano Legends game. This game is designed to help students learn about cell structure and function. We have just started the game, but I know that many of my students are playing the game at home because it is a lot of fun and a game with graphics and characters that my students identify with! In the past, I have taught about cells the old fashioned way with notes and cells drawings......BORING!! Even for ME! With the use of the game and these other technology tools, I am trying to take my classroom to a new level.

A Nano What?

Well you have all had a chance to go through at least one level of Nano Legends. Now I want to know what you learned. Aerin and her team are called nanobots. What are nanobots? Are they real? Is there anything like them in real science? How does a malignant tumor damage an organism? What is the purpose of white blood cells? What kinds of things would white blood cells attack? How do white blood cells attack?